Company’s name: PROCESS SYSTEMS
Address of registered office: 11, boulevard brune – 75682 Paris Cedex 14
Telephone: 02 41 21 19 40
Simplified joint-stock company with capital of 1,400,000 euros
Trade and Companies Register PARIS: B 344 011 705 – VAT N° FR 38 344 011 705
Publication directors: Nicolas TUBEUF
The website is graphically designed by Agence CALLIOCOM
UNIMEDIA SERVICES – 14 Boulevard de Lavoisier – 49000 ANGERS – 02 41 22 72 27
Information supplied:
The information supplied on this website is given for informative purposes only, as the legislation stands on 30/06/2005. The existence of a link to another website is not a validation of this website or its content. The publisher cannot be held liable for the products, services or information which are available on or from this website.
Terms of access and use:
This website is accessible 24/7 apart from cases of force majeure, acts of third parties and the maintenance works and interventions required to ensure the website functions correctly.
PROCESS SYSTEMS created the site for the personal information of its users. No third parties can use the data which are presented on it, even partially, for commercial purposes without the prior written agreement of PROCESS SYSTEMS. The drawings, photographs, images, texts, animated sequences with or without audio and other documentation shown on this website are covered by industrial and/or intellectual property rights and are, depending on the case, the property of the PROCESS SYSTEMS or of the third parties who have given their limited authorisation to use them. Therefore, any partial or complete reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or transformation, or transfer to another website is prohibited. It is strictly prohibited to partially or completely reproduce them without PROCESS SYSTEMS’s prior written agreement.
Data protection:
In accordance with article 34 of the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 you have a right to access, rectify and oppose the information and personal data concerning you, as well as a deregistration right which you can exercise by writing