PROCESS SYSTEMS was present at EVOLEN’s 2 day seminar in order to exchange and share its experience regarding energy transition. Thanks to EVOLEN for their organisation and the quality of their workshops.
EN SAVOIR +PROCESS SYSTEMS was present at EVOLEN’s 2 day seminar in order to exchange and share its experience regarding energy transition. Thanks to EVOLEN for their organisation and the quality of their workshops.
EN SAVOIR +Following the engineering and manufacturing phases, 300 tonnes of process equipment was transported from France to Southern Algeria. PROCESS SYSTEMS delivered a 40,000 BOPD two-stage desalter package completely assembled and tested in the workshop.
EN SAVOIR +PROCESS SYSTEMS were present at the GASTECH 2021 DUBAI exhibition all this week. GASTECH is an international exhibition specialised in the gas industry. This event aims to increase the cooperation and investment towards the industry’s development. GASTECH is: 70 000 m² exhibition surface, 40 000+ participants, 1 000 exhibitors, 80+ countries, 6 industrial areas. During…
EN SAVOIR +Process Systems NGL fractionation technology recovers and purifies different valuable hydrocarbons in the natural gas, especially of LPG (Butane and Propane) and C5+, making them ready for sale in the market or downstream processing.After passing treatment and low-temperature cycles, light hydrocarbons are separated basis on their different boiling points in…
EN SAVOIR +Further to finalising performance tests on a TEG regeneration unit equipped with an ultra-low NOx gas burner, we trained operating and maintenance personnel to facilitate the transition from the old regeneration units to the 3 new units equipped with thermal oxidisers. our local and French teams completed the fiscal metering…